Monday, August 10, 2009

Egypt--Best Vacation Ever

We're back in Bahrain after a fun and exhausting 9 days in Egypt. We spent 3 days in Cairo, 2 days in Aswan, 3 nights on a Nile Cruise ship, and had 2 overnight train trips to and from Cairo. There are way too many photos to post here on the blog. We have 384 photos posted in 2 albums here and here

One highlight of the trip for me was getting a picture with one of my heroes--famed Egyptologist Dr. Zahi Hawass. He just happened to be at the King Titi pyramid with some famous Egyptian movie star. Dr. Hawass has hosted leaders of countries (including Pres. Obama) but was gracious enough to take a picture with me.

The kids' (and my) favorite site was Abu Simbel. Karla's favorite was the huge Karnak Temple complex.

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